Thursday 26 May 2016

Brief Introduction and general strategy about CSE.

This Blog is about My journey from a Hindi medium Government school student in class 8th to AIR-6 in UPSC civil services examination-2015, it may be helpful to motivate those who do not belong to big cities and yet believe that a grand school is required to build a foundation on which a successful career is formed. this may also be helpful to those hundreds of aspirants who have been calling me continuously and really want to demolish CSE in a smart way and achieve a destiny they truly value.

Little About myself:

I was born in a very small town of Palera, Distt. Tikamgarh (MP), started my schooling from another small town of shahgarh, distt. Sagar (MP), continued from class 2nd to 6th in Badamalehra, Distt. Chhatarpur (MP), shifted to a district place for the first time in class 7th and continued my whole education up to class 8th in Hindi Medium in very small towns. In 2002, MP Govt. Brought a scheme to modernize school education by creating islands of excellence by way of creating Govt. Excellence school in each district of MP, fortunately I was admitted there and here My medium of instruction was switched to English medium for the first time.

After Completing My school education with decent marks in 2006, I went to Kota along with the herd to prepare for JEE, unfortunately forget JEE, I did not even score decent in AIEEE (AIR-12270) and got enrolled in National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur as an student of Mechanical engineering. After completing B.Tech (Hons.), I was placed at Indian Oil Corporation Limited through campus placement, a place where I still belong to.

Experience at NIT Jamshedpur:

When I was admitted to NIT JSR, I was a normal small town student, who came in contact of a diversity of students from various backgrounds and across a wide spectrum of Indian culture and regions. this was the first time, when I understood what diversity of India really is, I had read it before but never experienced it before. I had never seen a guy eating chicken in front of me before, had never been in company of so many unknown faces and had never uttered a single word of English from my tongue before and my friends were my first teachers in NIT JSR in helping me transform myself. hence, it was a strange experience, which modified my inward looking orientation for the first time and I started to open up and learnt newer things. At the same time, power outages in our campus provided us with a lot of leisure time and hence peer group started to form and I for the first time came out of my comfort zone and had a wonderful company there, which I carry along with me even till date.

Teachers, syllabus and hostel life started to shape my life and my image turned to be a lazy yet good & bright student, considering all this, My batch mates made me student coordinator of Training & placement cell of NITJSR, where I think I have worked decently, my faculties recognized this and I was given enough freedom to plan and manage placement procedure in collaboration with my fellow coordinators. The kind of respect and faith that whole batch of 2007 placed in me is a landmark in shaping my future, for that wonderful experience provided an impetus to my confidence level, because of which I could take upon a challenge to try for CSE four years down the line and it was during that time only, my peer group started advising me to prepare for CSE but I was too busy living the moment.

Life At IOCL:

I have been working with Pipelines Division of IOCL, Posted at Chaksu, Jaipur Distt.; IOCL provided me excellent opportunities to work across variety of maintenance jobs, a kind of diversity everyone envies in here, I was fortunate enough to have best possible colleagues in whole of Western Region Pipelines and thus my grooming as a professional started here.

I learnt in here group dynamics, employer-employee relations and type of managerial styles different bosses used, All of which I could connect with Administrative theories and Personnel management of my syllabus in Public Administration, when my friends used to wander about PRP, ACRs, I could visualize my own experience of IOCL to these very concepts. I loved working here in IOCL and therefore I was an outstanding employee for 3 consecutive years here and probably that is the reason I did not even try to prepare for any examination, while few of my friends were busy with CAT, IES and CSE.

I always believed in doing what you love and thus was my career at IOCL for 3 years, Always Do what you value and Job at IOCL is one of the best thing that could happen to me, I valued it and devoted my full time to Job, If you are happy with a Job, continue it, for it can provide a life worth living. I only appeared before two interview panels in my life, one which made my entry into IOCL and second which took me out of here.(UPSC)

The Knick Point:

Uni dimensional Job profile is the key word, Job profile became saturated, being in engineering or any specialized domain, after a time, particularly in PSEs, repetition starts and that is the point my mind started turning. Unfortunately or now fortunately, I had a back injury and I was advised bed rest. Being at home, I got the time to think about my future and thus that nascent idea of college life turned into a dream; a dream which I found worth trying for.

Many of my colleague, family members, friends always used to say that you are the one who can do this, if possible try. I also thought that 10 years down the line I do not want to sit at one of the locations of IOCL and grief that I could have done it, still I did not try. I wanted to give it a try to avoid that pain in future. Hence, for sake of my future satisfaction, I entered into this field, without fearing for failure, under wide canvas of hope, this journey started.

As I had never appeared for any examination since AIEEE in 2007, So it was hard to come out of inertia but that hope of better future and no regrets kept my spirits high. Got enrolled in a coaching, started from basics, shuttling between Jaipur and Delhi was never easy but a working professional did not have much choice and So it Began.

Preparation Strategy:

1. Coachings & Test series:
Vajiram & Ravi For GS

Synergy for Public Administration classroom and Public Admin Test series.
Vision IAS for GS mains test series.
Pavan Kumar's IAS for PubAd Mains Test series.
Vajiram & Ravi for Essay.

2. Books & Other Material referred:


Indian Polity By M. Laxmikanth
Modern Indian History by spectrum Publication.
Indian Economy By Ramesh Singh.
Environment By Shankar IAS
Class 6th old NCERT by Sharma for Ancient India.
Class 7th old NCERT by Romila Thapar for medieval India.
Art & culture notes by Nitin Singhania.
NCERT selective chapters for science (Prelims)
G.C. Leong for Geography.
NCERT New class 11th and 12th for geography.
Unacademy videos for environment and biodiversity.
Vision IAS monthly current events. for Indian economy, specially videos on economic survey of India


TheHindu for all.

Vision IAS monthly current events.


Modern Indian History by spectrum Publication.
Art & culture notes by Nitin Singhania.
G.C. Leong for Geography.
NCERT New class 11th and 12th for geography.
World History by Arjun Dev and Ojha Sir classnotes for world history and post independence.
Shankar IAS Sociology material for IAS.
InsightsonIndia special articles on communalism, Regionalism, Secularism.


Vajiram class notes. ( for those who are not attending any coaching please refer to M.Puri's Class notes for Indian Polity)

NCERT: Indian Constitution at Work.
Indian Polity By M. Laxmikanth.
For poverty and hunger issues, governance, civil services, VISION IAS printed material can be referred otherwise newspapers are the key here.


Shriram IAS class notes for Indian Economy

NCERT: Indian Economic development.
NCERT: Introductory Macroeconomics.
Environment By Shankar IAS
Any Book on internal security, I referred M.Puri's printed material for same but not of much use.
class notes of vajiram for science & Tech. part.
Economic Survey of India, selected chapters ( Vajiram brings out list of pages to be referred, go blindly for it and if interested go thorugh whole ESI)


Ethics Class notes of Synergy IAS or S.K.Mishra ( I referred synergy)
Lexicon by chronicle publication for ethics.
Case studies on insightsonindia website.

3. Magazines 

For Value addition

Kurukshetra. ( Kurukshetra has best case studies possible for GS as well as Public Administration, we must use them in mains answer writing)
Any other magazine which suits your taste.( Not absolutely necessary)

4. Websites for daily current events, daily secure questions. for opinion column.
livemint newsletter by email for Indian Economy. for Indian economy.
Rajya Sabha TV Videos.
Unacademy videos for environment/world history.

Test Series:

InsightsonIndia for prelims.
VisionIAS for Mains.


I had very limited time (only 10 days to prepare for it), so not much strategic planning could be done, however few points I have found worth sharing.

  1. Start building an overall personality from today itself.
  2. Give 5-6 mocks to boost confidence & judge your caliber.
  3. Be well prepared with your DAF, in fact fill DAF very seriously.
  4. Utter only what you believe in.
  5. avoid long answers, as questions flow from what you speak.
  6. Right postures, right facts and be humble to accept your mistakes.
  7. Confidence is the key, if you are confident then its not an interview anymore, it becomes a conversation then and clearing mains provides a good repository of knowledge, which can be used to impress the board.

An Evaluation:

Obviously, strategy for clearing this examination has to be an integrated one, piecemeal approach wont do much, as time between prelims result and mains exam is too less to respond to demands of UPSC Mains,

Thus For beginners, I will suggest:

Go for all the books mentioned in prelims column and have atleast 2-3 readings, read Hindu newspaper daily and column of indianexpress daily, if possible try to make summary of opinion and editorial in your own words, that will help you improve writing skill as well as internalize the concepts.

Read the syllabus daily at least for a week or so and whenever any news reporting is read, please link it with the portion of the mains syllabus, so that it can be used to quote in a mains answer, which will give you an extra edge in mains scoring.

For Example: Delhi police installed around 1.5 Lakh CCTV cameras under project Nigheban in Delhi. (reported in Hindu on 27 sept. 2015); most of us ignore such news, but this can be used in at least 3 areas to show linkage of theory with practical application, as a case study to add value to your answer. ( PPP, Citizen participation in administration and community policing); such linkage may give you an edge over others and secure your success.

I generally followed 4 step strategy during my preparation i.e. Read----> Internalize & Understand----> write----> Revise..

10 (sorry later it became 11) things to be kept in mind:
  1. My strategy may not work for you, so try and err, devise your own strategy.
  2. Do not be confused about your Goal, start preparation only if your heart says, if not wait for right time and then start. do not jump because someone else says so.
  3. There are 2 ways to prepare for this exam, either you mug up and clear, chances are that you will clear it, provided you have a sharp memory or you read and understand, believe in it, because in my opinion if you do not believe in an argument, you cant reproduce it in strict 7 minutes of mains examination. I chose second.
  4. Stick to the sources, rather than buying newer books every time, limited book list with repeated revisions reward better than a plethora of material.
  5. If you have seen the facts 2-3 times then don't worry about mugging them up, if they are connected with mains syllabus in your subconscious mind, they will automatically be reproduced when you are writing an answer.
  6. Relax, don't buckle your confidence under pretext of someone who has read 3-4 books on a subject or who seems to be more knowledgeable than you on a topic, there is a difference, they may know very well but you may present it in perfect manner, which will award you good marks while they may be left behind flaunting their knowledge in streets of Old Rajendar Nagar.
  7. Do not ask anyone how many hours are required for study, some clear it in 14 hours a day while some achieve it in 6 hours a day. one need to identify what is threshold as well as optimum for him/her, reading more than what you can accept may be demotivating, at the same time reading less may be disastrous, So identify how much is optimum for you and make sure you clock that much in a day, do not follow others about how much they are studying, derive your own path; for example mine was 6-7 hours a day.
  8. Do not set unrealistic goals viz. I will finish Laxmikanth in 5 set realistic goals to avoid demotivation, which comes when you do not achieve that goal.
  9. Write..write and write...there is an inertia associated with writing, even I had..I was lucky that only 2 months of writing sailed me through...everyone will not Start writing and Insightsonindia secure questions are the best ones to start, if cant write in begining, observe the answers written by others there...there are some exceptional writers on that platform...learn from their skills then fire your own pistons and fire daily atleast for an hour. UPSC can be cracked only by mains and that requires writing, so you must start writing ASAP and improve, get it evaluated by friends, teachers or compare it with synopsis of insight.
  10. Patience & Diligence seems to be right combo for success in this arena, make sure you have both and also have a fraternity that supports you in times of despair.
  11. If possible believe in one divine power, not because you need to worship, but just to have a faith, a sense of completion, because relationships generally do not support in this endeavour, so lets make one divine power as your friend/companion. Hardwork needs to be complemented by some luck, wishes...I think nobody believes that their name is going to figure in top-10 or so, because they do not know how much luck has favored them.

Utilizing Test Series:

For those who have not joined any coaching, insights test series for prelims is best, read the syllabus of each test, attempt the test, they have given good explanations in the end, it will cover your current events as well as static portion really well; Prepare that part of syllabus, attempt test, read explanations, internalize. If you are a Pro, I will say attempt test first, then read from books according to questions, it will ensure maximum preparation in limited time.

VisionIAS Test series is good for mains, if you could join test series of 15-20 tests, it will cover your syllabus in a holistic manner, their video discussion is as good as classroom coaching of any other coaching, evaluation is good and thus you are groomed for the brutal December.

Choosing an optional:

A subject has to be read for 3 hours a day, 1.5 years atleast and yes you need to score atleast 250 in optional to get IAS, this can not be done if you do not have interest in the subject, an optional must be such which gives you a sense of delight, which you love to read again and again. In my opinion, choosing an optional on the basis of criteria like it has less syllabus, scoring is easy and I have my friends opting this, are not best benchmarks; you cant reproduce in mains if you do not love the subject, have an in-depth knowledge about it and believe in what you write, that can happen only when you are truly attached to your optional.
  1. Zero-in on 2-3 subjects which can be your probable optional.
  2. Read atleast a chapter or two for the most interesting topic on the subject.
  3. Compare and contrast what intrigues you and then bring in secondry parameters like scoring, time required to finish the syllabus to break the tie-in.
I was asked many times, how about choosing technical subject as an optional, first of all let me clarify, I am a graduate in mechanical engineer and still opted for public administration, because ME did not create interest in me, lengthy syllabus and I never studied well in college, so I was weak even in basics, added to that My time was limited, It was not possible for me to memorize 30 formulas just to solve 2 questions of heat and mass transfer, so technical was not an option for me.

Why Public Administration:  

1. Most relevant to an IAS, so it intrigued me.
2. well connected to current events, had lot of scope for value addition.
3. Good material available in the market.
4. effective for GS-2 syllabus, If I have scored 100 marks in GS-2 the credit goes to Public Administration.

So, Finally If you are good in your graduation and have prepared earlier for IES or GATE, you may go for technical subjects, going for Art subjects gives help in GS and above all it verses us with writing skills, which seems to be panacea for clearing Mains. Choose wisely after weighing in all the pros & cons. Optional is they key to success, if you can score 270-280 in optional, half your target is achieved.

Answer Writing:

For GS, the standard format is: decipher the question i.e. introduce the issue raised, present point for and against as per demand of the question, support your answer with a fact, quotation, report or case study and then take the conclusion with which you would agree most. Always attempt those questions first with which you are most comfortable, it helps in overcoming inertia and gives you confidence to address those questions with which you are not well versed and then depending upon time, decide length and content of the those answers.

For Ethics, always attempt case studies first and try to finish in 1.5 hours, so that half the job is done, then attempt first 13 questions and quote as many examples you can and if possible do give personal life examples from your life to support your arguments. ethics can reward good marks. 

Final Gyan:

Some may find it waste of words while some may find it motivating, just bear with me for this column. I always talk about steve jobs and his memorable stanford speech in the end, he recalls many failures of his life and then beautifully recalls how all the failures turned him into a legend. He says, "You can only connect the dots by looking backwards not by looking forwards". If you fear now that my this step may lead into disaster, you will never take yourself forward; take that first step and then see the beautiful fruits of your seeds few years down the line and then look backwards connecting all the dots which made you a person whom you truly value. 

If you ever read ethics (GS4), you may come across Means-end dichotomy, I stand on that part of extreme where if your means are right, dont worry about the end...end is destined to be good. ...Perform...Dream Big and strive harder to achieve it and you will reach a destiny that you deserve. Success is a matter of timing if you are dedicated to the path which will take you there. 

Connect every single step of your life, every dot and try to recall what it provided you, what you learnt from it and then it will turn you into a personality that UPSC desires and which we all aspire. I tried to connect my school life, college life and then job life and it brought fruits to me...Many senior players in this arena may disregard this blog and consider it as unrealistic...but this is how This idiot reached into top-10 of this examination and hence I have named this Post as "Fairy Tale of an Idiot". Had It not been a fairy tale..this idiot may not had seen return of his Dawn...A new beginning that I truly Value.

Hope It will clear all the queries that I was asked, if not, do email me your issue, I will Try to revert ASAP. 

email id:

All The Best...May you get what you really deserve.   


  1. What a writeup buddy. Kudos. Wishes for a upcoming life.

  2. What a writeup buddy. Kudos. Wishes for a upcoming life.

    1. Touchng fairy tale. I am also a wrkng prfsnl preparing for cse these lines boosted me up...

  3. Great writeup Sir. I would like to suggest you to take up writing in Quora. The questions and answers there related to general public policy, administrative decision making, foreign affairs etc. are very good and detailed. Many senior CS officers- retired and still working- pitch there unique and detailed perspectives on various topics. I believe your answers would be detailed, descriptive and helpful to many people.

    1. will try to do that avinav...

    2. Sir please upload strategy for pubad and some tips to list.

    3. Sir, please tell us about strategy and book list for Public Administration optional without coaching. Will be great ful to you if you can guide us how to crack CSE without coaching in 3 years.

  4. Congrats Sir what r ur marks breakup?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. thank you sir for your valuable addressing at springboard academy,jaipur!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Congrats Sir ....ESSAY strategy please

    1. not much strategy for essay..however I have discussed some points in toppers' talk on Vision IAS may refer to that

  9. Congratulations sir..really motivating words..thank you.

  10. great blog sir..inspiration fr many ( shravan kumar -2k7 batch NIT JSR)

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Congratulations dear ashish...
    Proud that we have friend like you who studied with us, who played with us, who dance with us ,as well shares all up's and downs... low and high and enjoyed lots of moments together which are unforgettable.
    Its proud when your friend is inspiration to others who are struggling with huge mass.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. sir please tell your marks in pub ad....

  15. In the websites list, it is and not
    It would be good if you edit that please.

  16. Can u suggest books for public administration

  17. Can u suggest books for public administration

  18. Many many congratulations sir for your success... You are truly a gem nd a inspiration for many. Would love to hear from you soon sir.
    Aditya Kumar(your college junior 2k12 batch)

  19. In art & culture and Environment & ecology - is it beneficial to refer nitin singhania sir's notes and Shankar IAS book respectively. Are Jain sir's class notes for culture and Manocha's sir notes, handouts in Environment (Vajiram) enough?

  20. Sir from where to get summary of arc by pavan .have you these summary in soft copy

    1. if your optional is pubad..please read and make summary...if not then refer to end of the ARC report to find and understand...if not getting then only read in detail.

  21. Sir from where to get summary of arc by pavan .have you these summary in soft copy

  22. Sir I am mechanical engineer I am interested for mains in mechanical engineering sub but I see that paper so hard so please suggest for mains

  23. Sir I am mechanical engineer I am interested for mains in mechanical engineering sub but I see that paper so hard so please suggest for mains

    1. First do any ESE,CSE,IFS subjective/optional paper. If u are able to solve 60% questions then it is OK.otherwise first practice and study all concepts.

      follow NPTEL for FM,HT,TOM,MV,TD
      for SOM - BC PUNMIA,
      IE- KHANNA
      PP- PK NAG

  24. sir how to prepare punchhi reports i heard governor, emergency, financial relations and security issues are enough is this true

    1. I cant say about security for sure but yes remaining topics may be covered through punchhi commission may find it available online...since you are only willing to rely on punchhi reports for few topics...i would suggest read the whole report if time permits..

    2. Hi Sir, i am from jamshedpur..upsc is my childhood dream..and throughout i hv been a topper and i know dat if i ll work hard, i ll definitely crack it..but i dread writing essays and all and dats y i am killing my can u plz suggest me how can i jv good writing skills..
      This fear that one needs to think instantly on any topic and present it beautifully..thats y i am not even giving it a try sir coz i think dat i can't do it..😳

  25. sir for public policy chapter BA MA which is better

  26. Thank you sir for the inspirational write up and valuable guidance.

  27. sir for paper 2 arc reports.. especially reports like personal administration,local governance,state and district administration,law and order,organizational structures of GOI,Financial mgmt system...these are enough

  28. sir general studies and public administration optional for current affairs hindu paper is enough?

  29. Sir... congrats for your success... Yesterday only I have seen your video and came to know about your blog... Sir can you also share your knowledge regarding RAS ... please guide us more I am also working(in Canara Bank).. is coaching is necessary or self study and test series will be sufficient.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. which books did u refer for pub ad. After having read fadia once i am relying on anirbam book only, will that suffice?

  32. Congratulations Bhaisab & thanks a lot to you for motivating to others with your complete success strategy through aforesaid blog.Your strategy, as well as I know to be Guru Mantra for several aspirant.
    Thank you ��

  33. Sir, how authentic is the IGNOU B.A/M.A material for Pub Ad?

  34. Sir, I mean should it be enough to rely on IGNOU B.A/M.A material for Pub Ad?

  35. Bhai pls provide the link for pub ad strategy that u adopted and book list that u followed.....dhanyawad

  36. Hello sir, many congratulations! Could you please give a feedback on Vajiram's GS classes.. I'm confused about which classes to join. Do discussions happen and are doubts taken? Is it worth the money?

  37. thank you .............sir...........In my city area THE HINDU newspaper are not i follows THE INDIAN is good for prepartion?????

  38. Hello Sir, can you please specify how much time u gave to ur optional,gs nd current ( insights, IAS baba, Hindu IE)
    on a daily basis,secondly when to start answer writing?? I mean from the beginning or after completing the syllabus.

  39. Txs sir for your suggest ....

  40. Wow awesome sir iam from village i complted my graduation and I feel that preparing from can I crack this always feel this Giv me solution and you words are outstanding sir thanks

  41. Sir,did u leave your job for preparation?or prepared with the job?

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. what are the things to be mentioned if the question is about "scope".eg.discuss the scope of contemporary administration? should i mention nature or importance or its aprroaches?

  44. sorry ,a little correction "contemporary public administration"

  45. what are the things to be mentioned if the question is about "scope".eg.discuss the scope of contemporary administration? should i mention nature or importance or its aprroaches?

  46. Hii sir, I m a fresher of fresher. I am confused between how,where and what for starting preparation for upsc prelims 2017. I have got got all the materials, but I always fear to touch them thinking if the step /strategy will b ri8 or wrong.

  47. Touchng fairy tale i am also a wrkng prfsnl wrking in essar oil preparing for upsc ies these lines boosted my confdnc level to a high node.

  48. please provide mechanical engineering interview questions
    thankyou sir

  49. My writing skills are very poor.... Specially in essay and optional.... What I do.... Feeling hopeless

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. sir i am a student of 3rd year of a state govt. engg. college. My financial situation is so poor that i am pursuing my with an education loan.I want to be a civil servant.but i cant afford the fee of coaching institutions or living in Delhi.Should i go for IIMs and secure a strong back up for my family.should i go directly.I am not interested in doing MBA.sir actually i am worried what will be the career options if i failed as no one can guarantee success in UPSC.REALLY SORRY FOR SUCH A LONG QUESTION.SIR PLS ANS.

  53. Congratulations sir ,
    Where did you joined the foundation classes for pub ad ?
    Plz reply as soon as possible
    Thank you

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. you have clear vision man and your thought process and correlating events, issues in proper contexts is incredible. i saw your video given for insight, u r awesome man. kind of applying your knowledge werever required is appreciating. India needs this kind of education rather than giving bookish knowledge, we have to make children know the power of practical knowledge and implementation in life...u deserve rank 1 man...looking forward to see u in action soon

  56. Congratulations Sir,

    Awesome sir, I feel that proper dedication and proper guidance is the key to success. I will also watch you live tomorrow in further conversation with SuccessGuru A K Mishra in Success Speaks on Chanakya IAS Academy website from 9:00 am to 9:30 am.on Doordarshan National (DD1) as well.

    Thanks for helping us!!!!

  57. Hey guys, I just saw this post somewhere on facebook. A show titled 'Success Speaks' is going to be telecast on DD nation, where successful candidates share preparation strategy for Civil Services Exam. it will also be live here:

    I think it'll be helpful for all of us.

  58. Hello sir, can u help me any choosing my optional I m pursuing graduation with geology(h) from DU. I've interest in it n my academic marks r also good.
    As there is no topper I've came to know from this sub n lots of people say the sub is not scoring.
    Kindly tell m what is ur advice regarding this .....
    Thank you

  59. Hello sir I have passed out my 12th class this year from science stream my aim is to become an IAS officer I have decided my I am from 8th class and I am following i s not as a job but as a worship for meditation so I am little bit confused about my graduation that which subjects are useful in UPSC sir I want guidance from you which will be very helpful for me I am reading now previous year question papers of UPSC and NCERT I am planning to go in Vajiram and Ravi
    But sir I have heard that Vajiram take admission from the 2nd year of graduation is it true or not and sir Aspirin are also confused about the medium of the UPSC examinations that the success ratio of Hindi medium students become so very low what is the reason behind is sir please reply me your answer will be very helpful to clear my doubt about the UPSC thank you very much sir

  60. Hello sir I have passed out my 12th class this year from science stream my aim is to become an IAS officer I have decided my I am from 8th class and I am following i s not as a job but as a worship for meditation so I am little bit confused about my graduation that which subjects are useful in UPSC sir I want guidance from you which will be very helpful for me I am reading now previous year question papers of UPSC and NCERT I am planning to go in Vajiram and Ravi
    But sir I have heard that Vajiram take admission from the 2nd year of graduation is it true or not and sir Aspirin are also confused about the medium of the UPSC examinations that the success ratio of Hindi medium students become so very low what is the reason behind is sir please reply me your answer will be very helpful to clear my doubt about the UPSC thank you very much sir

  61. First of all congratulations sir,
    I would like to ask how you able to manage your job with coaching.
    I'm also a mechanical engineer working with a private firm in Jaipur and wanted to do preparations for civil services so what should be the path to follow.

  62. First of all " Congratulations... ".
    Hello Ashish Sir, I have a question related to Hindi vs English medium. Is english played an important role in upsc. Soryy for bad english bcoz i am from hindi medium. Should i do more work on my english or choose hindi as an optional.

    Keshav Sharma
    B.Tech Computer Science & Technology.
    Kota, Rajasthan.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Sir how to start pub ad. For beginners and pls suggest the book

  65. Sir how to start pub ad. For beginners and pls suggest the book

  66. Hello Sir,
    This is Anuj from NIT Jsr 2k12 batch and I am aspiring for CES. Your blog helped me clear my doubts regarding optional subject selection and most important thing that I liked is "Believe and internalise". Thankyou sir for your motivating words.

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  69. Sir, suggest me for gs paper 1. Means what to learn and how to write

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